You might be wondering why there’s a page on plagiarism here on a site about procrastination. Well, it turns out the reasons people plagiarize and procrastinate are often related! Take a look at the three presentations below for more info on:
What plagiarism is and why people do it
What “accidental plagiarism” is and how to avoid it
The ethics, benefits and downsides of using Chat GPT
This presentation will give you a good overview of plagiarism, its consequences and how to avoid it.
Some resources mentioned:
The Writing Center (for writing tutoring)
Atrium Learning Center (for other tutoring)
The Student Success Center (for support and info on campus resources)
The “Students” page of the Procrastination Station (for help figuring out why you might be tempted to plagiarize and how to overcome those hurdles)
Sometimes, students plagiarize accidentally—by not quoting or citing according to guidelines. Fear of plagiarizing can cause students to avoid quoting altogether! This presentation covers how and why to use sources.
Click here for a “Should I cite this?” flowchart.
For in-depth guidelines on in-text MLA citation, click here.
For in-depth guidelines on in-text APA citation, click here.
The conversation around Chat GPT is ever-changing. What is it? Is it a tool for writing or is it cheating when I use it? Take a look at the presentation and links below for more info!